Our Services

IT services

From basic to advanced services, we have just the right tool for your business.

  1. IT Consulting Services
  2. Digital Outsourcing Services
  3. Remedial Maintenance Services
  4. Network Security Solutions
  5. Installation and Configuration of Servers
  6. Providing Comprehensive LAN Solutions for SMI/SME/SOHO
  7. Providing Windows-based Solutions

Event Service

Delivering on-site IT solutions and support in events, meetings, and conferences

  1. Expert virtual meetings and conference setup (Camera, Virtual conferencing applications, Multi-display switching configuration)
  2. Registration System Solution
  3. Onsite setup with support on standby
  4. Personalised network setup- Dedicated IP/subnet, printer sharing etc.
  5. IT Equipment Rentals (Notebook, Firewall, Network Switch, Access Point, TV, Copier)

Hardware services

Comprehensive solutions that ensure an efficient and reliable technology infrastructure.

  1. Computer Server Solution Hardware and System Advisory
  2. Network Security Hardware
  3. Supply Communication Hardware and Network Materials
  4. Supply Computer and Peripherals Hardware